Well, it seems that I have been hit with ascension flu. It’s kinda like kundalini flu, which I had back in the mid 1990s ie. caused by energy not viruses or bacteria. I had been feeling kinda smug that many psychics have discussed ascension flu as an ascension symptom many have gone through, but I hadn’t had any kind of flu-, or even cold-, like symptoms in ages.

I do suffer from sinus problems caused by my misaligned jaw, as well as allergies, but I rarely get colds and actually have never had the flu. The 2 times I thought I had the flu turned out to be rheumatic fever when I was 14, and the kundalini flu back in the 1990s. How do I know it was the kundalini flu? I had to go to the doctor to get a sick note for work, and all the tests showed I wasn’t sick. My doctor gave me a note because it was very obvious I was sick, but I did not have any viruses or bacterial infections or anything else that might account for my symptoms. Perfectly healthy…yeah right. It wasn’t until years later that I discovered about kundalini flu, and yup, that explained that! Now the rheumatic fever was diagnosed by the doctor back when I was 14, and I have the heart murmur to prove it.

Well, this hit me last Wednesday I think it was. It started with a runny nose and horrible post nasal drip. By Saturday, it had settled into my lungs, and my chest hurt…I could feel the mucus in my lungs. bleah. I definitely felt miserable…see my last post where I bitched about it all here. LOL At the time, I thought it was in reaction to a mold allergy from all the rain we’ve been having, and the weather change (we got snow…in November). I broke down and took some allergy meds to try to stop the faucet that my nose had became, and it didn’t work. My standard allergy routine of spirulina tablets and an essential oils blend of lavender, peppermint, lemon and eucalyptus hadn’t helped much, so I thought I’d go with the hardcore pharma drugs instead. When that didn’t help either, I really wondered what the hell was wrong with me! The sinus headaches were severe too…my whole face hurt!!! I’ve taken more acetaminophen in the last couple of days than I have in years!!!

What makes me think this is ascension flu and not regular flu or a cold? It is because my mucus is thin and clear. Yellow mucus means viruses like colds or flu, and green mucus means bacteria like infections. Usually those are thick too. Nope, mine is like my nose has become a damn faucet dripping water. bleah. Only good thing is that it means I’m not sick with something, so I am not contagious or anything. But I still feel like shit. God, I feel terrible! It feels just like a bad cold or flu, because my body hurts too. That’s what made me think it wasn’t allergies.

Well, it might be the damn kundalini flu again, but my pendulum said it was ascension flu. I’m not sure there is much of a difference to be honest. But when I was starting to feel like there was something other than an allergy at work here that I decided to try the trusty pendulum. My damn head hurts too much to try to talk to my guides about it…I am more than a little preoccupied with my physical body at the moment. Oh yeah…I have infected ears and a cold sore too! double bleah! Had diarrhea this morning too…thank you for that!!! sigh. Yup…my body is betraying me terribly here! But I’m not sick. It’s ascension flu.

My session with the pendulum wasn’t enlightening at all at first…when I asked if it was an allergy it said no. If it was a cold or flu or other virus, it said no. If it was a mold problem, it said no. If it was an infection somewhere, it said no. Okay…what else is there??? I asked if it had to do with ascension energies, and I finally got a yes. Okay then. I haven’t been online much because of this “flu”, but I figured we got hit with something. I still haven’t really found anything, but I’m thinking it’s just an internal process going on here. Like the kundalini flu…higher order energies floating around in my system that then hits a snafu and ricochets all over the place, making me feel sick. I had been doing some shadow work, and I guess I hit paydirt! Sheesh!

I had actually put the pendulum away when it occurred to me that knowing this had to do with ascension energies didn’t help me much. I still didn’t know what to do about the symptoms I’m suffering with, or even why. So I got it back out and asked it specifically if it was “kundalini flu”, because that is what I had been thinking it felt like. I got a rather lukewarm yes from the pendulum, but when I changed my wording to “ascension flu”, I got a resounding YES! from it!

Okay, it is actually helpful to know this IMO. This is because I know that, like regular flu or colds, they crop up to let you know that you need to surrender to the process and just slow down and take care of yourself. So I just gave in to the symptoms yesterday…stayed in my nightgown, ate soup, slept when I felt tired. Lots of self-care and self-compassion. Yup, there’s that self-compassion thing again…why do I have so much trouble with this? sigh When I thought it was just allergies, I tried to pretend I wasn’t sick and still functioned like normal. The headaches got worse and my body hurt, and my face hurt, and my ears hurt, and my jaw hurt, and…and…I wasn’t feeling good at all! Admitting it is ascension flu has given me permission to just baby myself and take care of myself and just surrender to the energies and what they want of me. So far today the headache is gone…but I do have the cold sore and a little diarrhea. Okay…I can see the symbolism there! LOL

So…I am surrendering again today, and am again in my nightgown and just taking it real easy. Thought I’d blog about it as an adjunct to my last post which was a yucky rant…thankfully I’m in a better place now, although still not feeling well. There’s a peacefulness that makes it all feel…softer??? I dunno, but the nose has slowed down, and the headache is gone, so I feel human again. LOL

I also found a relevant article on In5D.com “Energetic Mastery Over Ascension Symptoms” while researching ascension flu, and it made some really good points:

There’s a completely different side and experience to this if we allow ourselves to tune into it. This could be the next major shift collectively (in the awakening community) of releasing ‘victim consciousness’. Because to think and experience ‘symptoms’ as if they are something painful, negative, un-welcome or undesired makes us, in a way, believe that we are ‘victims’ or powerless to the ascension energies and process. This is completely UNTRUE, as we all know, however uniting our foundation in how we experience it all is key in grounding in these actual energies now and in the future.

Yes, I definitely was feeling victimized by my symptoms when I thought it was just a mold allergy…it was strange how realizing it was an ascension thing changed my experience of these symptoms. Like the author pointed out:

I got to the point in my ascension where I was ‘tired’ of feeling constantly ‘at the effects of’ these energies. Sure, there are some people who just tune it out as much as possible, but that’s not a part of my process. What I did want to discover was how I could release myself from feeling some sort of invariable ‘pain’ or ‘displeasure’ with all this as well as regain my power of choice. Yes, it is my choice to even be consciously ascending in the first place, and I will continue to honor that choice. However, it is also my choice, and many of us are not realizing this, in HOW I experience that process.

Actually, I had been feeling rather smug about how the energies weren’t hitting me like some psychics were saying…usually I just get energetic headaches or a strange kind of restlessness or anxiety even. I really do feel that it isn’t necessary to go through all those pains and other problems that so many awakened souls seem to be experiencing. I know with the kundalini flu, and again with this ascension flu, that it was energies that were hitting blockages that caused the problems. I’m not sure why, but this awareness has changed my symptoms and my reaction to it…yes, it is a surrendering, but it’s also a sense of peace about it all. I know it is for my enlightenment…it will go away and I will be better for it. It is not something to just be endured, but to embrace as a necessary cleansing and clearing.