Okay…I have written quite a bit about the Event and the Solar Flash. According to Cobra of The Portal, the Event of full disclosure will come first before the Ascension. See my post here. Now David Wilcock talked about the Ascension as a solar flash…an ekpyrosis event. See my post here and here. I am no longer convinced that the solar flash will mean a huge coronal mass ejection or other fiery event. It may or may not.

I just watched a video from Lorie Ladd, a psychic who channels the Nine, who are guides and ETs I guess. I resonate to a large degree with Lorie, and she discusses the Event in it.

She explains it as an energetic event that will help propel us into higher states of consciousness…more of a portal. And that the original iteration of the Solar Event with the ekpyrosis event is no longer valid because we, as a collective, have raised our vibrations so we don’t need to experience it as such a destructive event. I can see this. I know the coronavirus was meant to decimate the human race (the Deep State’s objective), but Gaia, the White Hats, ETs, God, someone-came along and made it a much less deadly thing. And what it has actually done is wake a lot of people up! To the corruption, greed and New World Order plan to take us all over.

I live in a tiny town of 5900 people, and thought I was basically alone in my belief in esoteric things, in Q, and Trump. With this stupidity over restrictions, I have now discovered that there are more people who know that Trump is good, about QAnon, about Reptilians, about what is really going on in the world. Color me surprised! I joined a Facebook group and met like-minded people from my own town and surrounding area. The group is ostensibly about anti-masks and Freedom from lockdowns, social distancing, hand sanitizer, anti-vaccine, etc. But wow…I’m blown away and so thankful to have met these people, and realize I am not alone. Because it seems we who have seen through the COVID BS, are awake and aware in many other ways too. Talking to these people personally at the protests was eye-opening. I also see how many more people are awake than I ever realized. And more and more are joining our little FB group as they wake up too. And I know it’s happening all over the world.

So people are waking up en masse due to the CV 19 scamdemic, and it seems we have jumped enough timelines that the original ekpyrosis event will probably not happen. It will still be an energetic event, and everyone will see the Light of this Solar Flash. I had a dream about it, and discuss it here. It’s more likely to be a glorious burst of rainbow light that washes over everything and transforms it.

Now…I also watched a fascinating video (actually, only audio) by another favorite YouTuber of mine…Alison Coe. I discuss one of her recent videos about the Event in my post here. What seems most salient to me is that her client (she’s a QHHT practitioner ie Quantum Hypnosis Healing Therapy) talked about 5 weeks of “red mist” or “red energy” enveloping the earth (see my header). This was an angry energy brought about by learning the Truth. Q has talked about 10 days of darkness, where the internet and TV go down. They take down the Deep State actors on media, and replace them with new people who will be telling everyone, globally, what has really been going on. About the shadow governments, the Elitists who want to reduce the human population from 7.8 billion to 500 million and enslave us all, about the pedophilia and the pedovores who steal, torture and eat our children, about ETs and Reptilians, about advanced technology, etc, etc. When people learn the depth of the lies and corruption, there will be a roar. And 5 weeks of red energy. I think this will happen after the election on November 4th, 2020. And supposedly, this will set the stage for Ascension.

It seems that there are some who are saying that the solar flash will happen around December 21st, 2020. I have also heard that there was a mistake in the Mayan calendar and that we are actually in the year 2012…and the predicted end of the world on 12-21-2012. Wow. Isn’t that fascinating???? We are living in exciting times. And Twitter and Facebook just deleted a whole lot of accounts today 10-15-2020…massive censorship like we have never seen before! And people are saying that Twitter is down….