I just found this very interesting piece of intel, that comes from an employee of Intel, who wants to set the record straight. Wow…here is some proof that they really are spying on us, and that you can’t trust any technology. 😦 I do have a background in IT, and have several computer certifications, but I was unaware of this ME structure that exists below the Operating System platform. Of course, they wouldn’t tell us lowly IT techs this kind of  thing though. I don’t know where this image came from, for the source said she found it on “social media”. It would be interesting to go to those links! I certainly hope someone like Q sees this and is able to “follow the breadcrumbs”. Wow…disclosure keeps coming out at a phenomenal rate!!!


Shit…I am looking for a new motherboard, which means I will need a new processor…I will have to make sure it is not an i3, i5 or i7! Wonder what my current, very old one, is? Ah…it is an AMD, so it’s “safe”. Maybe I shouldn’t bother to upgrade my motherboard after all. sigh.