Well, I’ve been MIA for awhile now, all thanks to large problems with getting online and staying there. And I don’t think it’s my motherboard! Yeah sure, I need to upgrade my motherboard, since I got it back in 2009. But that is not enough to make me not be able to surf the internet all of a sudden. Sure, it might make it slower and less efficient, which it wasn’t until a few weeks ago. About the same time that YouTube starting deleting all my favorite alternative news channels. 😦

Noticing this strange coincidence (I do not believe in coincidences BTW), I got to thinking about why it was that I could do things on my computer that were unrelated to the internet with no problem, but as soon as I was online, it started crashing and freezing up on me. I could use my Paintshop Pro, which is a resource-heavy graphics program, with no problem, but I couldn’t even access my blog without it crashing. bleah

I also noticed that it let me use my Yahoo email account with no problem, until I tried to click on links within the emails that lead to these alternative sites. I have signed up for everyone’s newsletter in order to stay current with them, since their YouTube channels are now all deleted. But even trying to go to their blogs is even problematic…I have had a massive amount of trouble trying to get to David Wilcock’s blog for months now. I click on the link and it would say the site was down for maintenance and to come back later. Finally that seems to have been resolved, but I can’t stay on it for long before my system crashes. What’s with that????? Same with Jordan Sather’s website. 😦

So I have been doing stuff on my computer and not accessing the internet. So I feel really out of the loop. It’s been a few weeks now (wow…February 11th was my last post!) and I’ve done a lot of thinking about why this is. I decided to explore the idea that maybe it was my Chrome web browser. Let’s face it, it’s owned by Google, which is owned by the same Alphabet group as YouTube, Twitter and Amazon. So, I decided to install and use another browser: I have now installed Firefox instead. I used to use Firefox a long while ago, and only stopped because Chrome was faster with games on Facebook.

Well, I just downloaded the latest and greatest Firefox, and to be honest, I’m underwhelmed. sigh It’s very slow…but it doesn’t crash on me! I think this is very interesting. Both that I can use Firefox and be online without crashing, but that the latest Firefox is running exceedingly slow. My conspiracy theorist senses are tingling here! LOL But…either Microsoft has some built-in algorithms to make my system slow down so I will upgrade my OS (which I am suspecting more and more when weird shit happens), or Microsoft has something built in to slow down competing browsers. Or…maybe I have a virus or something. I dunno…I need to take my computer in and have it checked out. Although I don’t think the local computer guy is up on the latest and greatest issues that might affect a computer and it’s OS (operating system). I wish I could take it to Trevor back in Windsor. sigh He’s a computer genius and up on this kind of thing.

Anyway, I am now back and able to use the internet, though it is horrendously slow. sigh. I gotta figure out how to tweak Firefox to make it faster.

Note: about the header…I have been having problems with my keyboard too. And it is a new one, so it’s not that it’s really old like my motherboard. But the damn right hand shift key was getting stuck, and I had to remove it. So now I can only use the left hand one. I believe I had a post where I discussed this problem.

Now, I tried to get a new keyboard, but my motherboard only accepts the old round socket type of attachment, and it’s getting harder and harder to find that kind of keyboard. I got a used one that I can’t use because the little prongs inside are bent and won’t straighten up. sigh. Geez…I really feel like the Universe doesn’t want me online right now!!! Maybe the ickyons are trying to make me upgrade to Windows 10 by making it increasingly difficult to use my Windows 7…which I hate by the way. Maybe when I get the new motherboard I will upgrade…sheesh, this is going to cost me! 😦 Trying to figure out how to finance this on only $1197/mo. sigh

We NEED ascension now!!!!