Yup, I’m about to go on a rant here. Goddamn the food industry that promotes poisons in our food!!! Now that everyone is on to the very bad effects that aspartame has on our bodies, they have decided to change its name to “aminosweet”.

Thanks to this article here “WARNING: Aspartame Has Been Renamed And Is Now Being Marketed As A “Natural” Sweetener: Amino Sweet“, I came across this new information. I try to avoid artificial sweeteners as much as possible, although sometimes it shows up in strange things (like vitamins), and other times not labeled at all. I just bought some Simply raspberry lemonade, and it has a strange aftertaste that I recognize as the taste of sorbital. Nothing on the label about it though. bleah.

If you want more information on the deleterious effects of aspartame, then go to the above article. She’s gone into more detail that I’m not interested in pursuing here. I think most people have heard that it’s bad for you. It is in a lot of things though…

A toxin by any other name… the dangers of Aspartame have been known for quite some time now. It is an artificial sweetener with a spectacularly bad track record but is still found in many of the foods we consume daily including “diet” beverages, chewing gum, breakfast cereals, and even preserves.

I never buy diet anything…it’s all far worse for you than real sugar. I’ll take my chances with real sugar, thanks. I only cook with honey though, so I do try to limit the sugar in my diet. You just have to be so damn careful with labels anymore. sigh. So something new to look out for…Amino Sweet.