Well, I just want to record here that something is really up today. Wow, am I feeling out of it today! Checked the Schumann Resonance and it’s not too bad…but, what’s with that little missing section???? And I had noticed that it was down on the 22nd or so and only reporting the past couple of days, like it was stuck or something. I think maybe something is going on, and they’re fiddling with the data to hide whatever it is. I mean, c’mon, 101Hz is not normal at all! But it’s only like 88 Hz yesterday and the day before, although it still looks impressive:


Now see that little break??? What does it mean? I think the new data is manufactured and not really what is going on. Because I am definitely feeling like something is going on! I can’t find anything on what is going on energetically on the planet at this point in time, but I’ve noticed that it usually takes a couple of days for others to post on stuff like this. sigh. Ah well…I’m going back to bed…I can’t function today. bleah Mind you…I didn’t get up till 12:30 pm, and it’s now 3:30 pm…geez…it feels like it should be much later!! The longer I’m forcing myself to stay up, the more of a headache I’m getting, so I think I will just go lay down again. Strange altered state I am in, to say the least!

Yeah, I’m recycling the header yet again…it’s so on point with how I feel sometimes! LOL And strangely, I noticed someone else blaming the Schumann too, so I know it’s not just me!